“How To Be a Rockstar Developer” at DDD North

I’m off to Hull this weekend for DDD North where I’ll be presenting How To Be A Rockstar Developer - the story of how a programming language I invented in a bar as a joke got way out of hand, and ended up as a real thing, complete with a web assembly runtime, test suite, documentation… and lots of stupid jokes about Bon Jovi.

I love DDD (which is short for Developer! Developer! Developer!, inspired by a thing Steve Ballmer did when he was CEO of Microsoft, and not to be confused with Domain-Driven Design which is a completely different thing). It’s a series of free, one-day developer events around the UK. And in Australia, but that’s a bit far to go for a one-day event. And apparently they had one in Seoul. DDD’s historical associations with Microsoft mean it attracts a lot of folks who work with .NET, but with an open CFP and sessions chosen via a public vote, there’s usually a pretty good balance of speakers and topics.

It’s free, it’s on a Saturday - this Saturday, in fact! - and it’s always a really friendly bunch of people. There’s still a few tickets left at dddnorth.co.uk, and if you’re going to be around, come and say hi.