London.NET User Group – A Progressive.NET Special!
Posted by Dylan Beattie on 04 May 2016 • permalinkThis July, the Progressive.NET Tutorials returns to SkillsMatter – for the eighth year running, we’re bringing together some of the best speakers and experts in the .NET community for three days of in-depth workshops and hands-on tutorials. The team at SkillsMatter are working hard to finalize what promises to be a great programme, covering all the latest platforms, patterns and ideas in the world of .NET development.
To coincide with this, we’re running a special London.NET User Group meetup at SkillsMatter the night before the conference – Tuesday 21st June.
We’re going to be hosting a series of short talks and demos, around a theme of “zero footprint” development tools. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of really excellent talks covering languages, platforms, patterns, architectural styles – but quite often, we’ll be in the pub afterwards chatting about the talk we’ve just seen, and you’ll hear people saying “it looks really great; maybe I can try it out on my next project” or “I love the idea but I can’t see the rest of the team going for it.”
So, for our Progressive.NET special, we want to showcase the very best tools, utilities and ideas that you can start using right away – they won’t modify your code, they won’t break your build pipeline, they won’t interfere with what the rest of your team are doing, but they might make your day just a little bit more pleasant – and we want your help!
Come along and give us a 10-minute demo of something you think is awesome. Maybe it’s an open source tool, maybe it’s one of your company’s products, maybe it’s just something you use daily and can’t live without – but remember: zero footprint. Don’t break the build, don’t don’t move the cheese.
In the spirit of things like Scott Hanselman’s 2014 Ultimate Developer and Power Users Tool List, we’re looking for talks about:
- Test runners like NCrunch and TestDriven.NET
- Git clients – like GitHub Desktop and GitKraken
- Productivity tools for developers, like Powercmd and Instant Eyedropper
Whether you’re a first-timer speaker or a fulltime product evangelist, we’d love to have you on board, so have a think, get in touch – by email or find us @LondonDotNet on Twitter - and get involved!