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(That's a MOO minicard. You should get some. Use this link to get 25% off.)
You've got my email & phone number. They're on that card you just scanned.
Want to hire me, book me to speak at your conference, or appear on your podcast?
Email me: dylan@dylanbeattie.net
Here's where you can find me in various online places:
- Web: dylanbeattie.net
- Twitter: twitter.com/dylanbeattie
- GitHub: github.com/dylanbeattie
- LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dylanbeattie
- YouTube: youtube.com/dylanbeattie
- Twitch: twitch.tv/dylanbeattie
- Instagram: instagram.com/dylanbeattie
- Facebook: facebook.com/dylanbeattie
- Mastodon: hachyderm.io/@dylanbeattie
- Threads: threads.net/@dylanbeattie
- BlueSky: @dylanbeattie.net
If you want a reply, email me. Really.
Things I Do
Tech, Bugs & Rock'n'Roll
A weekly live stream and podcast with Mark Rendle. Live every Thursday at 4pm UK time.
An esoteric programming language based on rock song lyrics:
The Linebreakers
The world's greatest nerd comedy rock'n'roll disco alt punk video party band.