You're invited to an online party!
I've spent a good chunk of 2020 figuring out how to do live performances over the internet... and after many, many hours of experimentation, lots of exciting boxes from Uncle Amazon full of camera and audio equipment, and a whole string of remote presentations, conference shows and online after-parties, it's time to have some fun!
I'm doing a show of parody songs, PubConf-style comedy lightning talks, stories, and general silliness. I'm streaming it all live on the internet, and I'd love it if you could join us.
On my end? Me, and some cats. And maybe some live or pre-recorded special musical guests depending how well the tech holds up on the night.
On your end? No idea. The great thing about partying online is you can invite literally everybody in the entire world and not worry about whether you've got enough prosecco and nibbles.
I'll be streaming live on Twitch and YouTube. Twitch works better if you want to hang out and heckle me in the chat; YouTube works better if you want to sit on the sofa and drink beer and eat pretzels and enjoy the show. Use whatever works for you.
Sunday December 27th, at 19:00 UTC. I'll be streaming for around 2 hours, then we'll have drinks on Zoom.
Want to add it to your Google calendar?
Here you go:
There's also a Facebook event for it if that's your thing.
Or if you want an ICS file, you can find one here
Open Broadcaster Software, five cameras, a "studio" that's actually my home office with greenscreens on three walls and the floor, a bunch of special gadgets for controlling camera angles and sequences while streaming live, lots of prebaked visuals created using Adobe AfterEffects, a few hundred thousand miles of undersea fibre-optic cable, a little energon, and a lot of luck.
Because 2020 can frankly get in the bin. Let's hang out and drink beer and have a laugh.