The Pursuit of APIness: The Secret to Happy Code
Posted by Dylan Beattie on 03 April 2017 • permalinkI'll be giving a new talk at the London.NET User Group meetup here in London next Tuesday, based on an idea I've had rattling around for a decade or more now. See, it seems to me that over the course of my career, there's been a strong correlation between happy developers and successful projects. I can't think of any examples where a miserable death-march project has resulted in high-quality working software, and I can't think of too many instances where a group of happy, motivated developers has failed to deliver a working product. I've been thinking around this idea for a while, and started looking at it in terms of user experience – both the user experience that we as developers are creating for our end users, but also the 'user experience' that's being provided by the libraries, frameworks and tools that we're using to do our jobs. Here's the talk synopsis:
We spend our lives working with systems created by other people. From the UI on our phones to the cloud infrastructure that runs so much of the modern internet, these interactions are fundamental to our experience of technology - as engineers, as developers, as users - and user experiences are viral. Great user experiences lead to happy, productive people; bad experiences lead to frustration, inefficiency and misery.
Whether we realise it or not, when we create software, we are creating user experiences. People are going to interact with our code. Maybe those people are end users; maybe they're the other developers on your team. Maybe they're the mobile app team who are working with your API, or the engineers who are on call the night something goes wrong. These may be radically different use cases, but there's one powerful principle that works across all these scenarios and more. In this talk, we'll draw on ideas and insight from user experience, API design, psychology and education to show how you can incorporate this principle, known as discoverability, into every layer of your application. We'll look at some real-world systems, and we'll discuss how discoverability works with different interaction paradigms. Because, whether you're building databases, class libraries, hypermedia APIs or mobile apps, sooner or later somebody else is going to work with your code - and when they do, wouldn't it be great if they went away afterwards with a smile on their face?
If that sounds interesting (or if you think I'm completely wrong and you want to come along and heckle!), sign up at the SkillsMatter website and come along on Tuesday 11th. Hope to see you there.