'Star Wars: The POV-Ray Collection' is an archive of images and 3D model files depicting vehicles, weapons and objects from the Star Wars universe. All 3D model files are intended specifically for use with the Persistence of Vision Ray-Tracer (POV-Ray) v3.0 or higher. Unless otherwise indicated, all images on this site were produced using POV-Ray.

'Star Wars' and all associated trademarks, images and designs, including the designs of the vehicles and objects depicted in this archive except where otherwise indicated, are copyright (c) 1997 Lucasfilm Ltd, and are used here without permission. 'POV-Ray' and all associated trademarks are copyright © 1991-1997 the POV-Ray Team. 'Star Wars: The POV-Ray Collection' is in no way affiliated with either Lucasfilm Ltd. or the POV-Ray team.

The copyright on all original intellectual material within this archive is owned by the author of the material in question. Please see the accompanying documentation files for each model for further details.

Conditions of Use

The material contained within this archive may be freely downloaded, distributed, altered or modified subject to the following restrictions:

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